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Facebook is a medium where you increase your brand visibility and presence among people. This platform boosts your presence and brand hurriedly. But, if you are losing your followers on Facebook there may be certain reasons behind it. Despite our best intentions, sometimes we make mistakes and end up with people unfollowing our Facebook accounts. Here are 10 reasons why people unfollow your Facebook account and how you can prevent them from happening again in the future.

You look Desperate for Engagement

There’s nothing more desperate than a Facebook user who seems to beg for engagement with every post. Whether it’s tagging their followers, asking for likes and comments, or sharing multiple posts in a row in an attempt to get people to notice them, it comes off as very crass and desperate.

Others have taken over your Niche

Market saturation is real, especially on Facebook. When you’re creating a page, don’t create a page for a topic that already has other pages. You need to offer something unique to your followers so they feel like they have no choice but to follow you. If you follow them, they’ll follow you back!

Not engaging your audience

Sometimes there is an issuance in engagement with your audience. For proper engagement, you need to respond to all comments and complaints properly. You share your stories with others. Account activation is a very important factor in audience engagement.

Overuse of Hashtags and Mentions

Hashtags and @mentions on Facebook are a great way to increase your engagement, but when used too often or carelessly, they can also annoy people who end up unfollowing you as a result. If you want to stay safe, stick to no more than three hashtags per post and one mention.

Hashtags play a vital role in gaining followers. Most people unfollow due to improper usage of hashtags. Update your hashtags for gaining and not losing followers.

Too many Ads or Sales Pitches

You have to post with frequency, but that doesn’t mean every single thing you post needs to be an ad or a sales pitch. If someone unfollows you because you posted too many ads or pitches, that person wasn’t much of a fan in the first place and may not have been a good lead for your business.

Let go of them and concentrate on those people who love what you do enough to stay updated about it through your Facebook account.

Poor customer service

When someone comes to your Facebook page, they’re looking for an experience. If you handle customer service poorly or don’t answer questions at all, that person will probably unfollow your account. The same goes for big companies with a customer service presence on Facebook: if they don’t respond promptly and handle issues effectively, customers will go elsewhere.


Sometimes Controversies lead to an increase in followers but mostly cause losing of followers. If you want to increase followers make your Facebook account controversies-free. People like to be peaceful and peace-loving people. So avoid controversies.

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